We are all in the best position to help one type of person: ourselves.

You need to put your authentic self out there to attract paying customers with whom you vibe online.

Products don’t attract people.

Services don’t attract people.

Even people don’t attract people.

Beliefs + values attract people.

Build your belief system

You’re going to lean on the exercise you just completed. If you skipped ahead and didn’t:

Create Your Anti-Vision

then go back and get that done. There are no shortcuts to predictable sales and a better life.

The Anti-Vision can fuel you, but it can’t fuel your tribe. What’s gospel to you won’t be magnetic to others…yet.

To turn your gospel into a magnet that attracts people you’d enjoy working with and who can pay you, you’ll assign a personality to your anti-vision.

This will turn into your belief system and core values.